Order #526533 | Payment ID: 5da3d5245422750f

Total: €.00 = BCH 0

(1 BCH = €329.8458)
Please send the total Bitcoin Cash (BCH) 0 (in ONE payment) to wallet address below.
Make sure to send enough to cover any coin transaction fees! If you send funds that do not confirm by the timeout or do not send enough coins you will receive an automatic email to claim your funds within 72 hours.
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Awaiting Payment From You...

If you did the payment you can safely close this screen.

After sending payment, review the status of your transaction on this page.
Once the payment is confirmed several times in the block chain, the payment will be completed and you will be notified by Email. The confirmation process usually takes 10-45 minutes but varies based on the coin's target block time and number of block confirms required. The status page is available for the next 30 days.